ManHimself holds a Poetic evening

manhimself | 25-01-2008 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Literatúra| Marcel Lacko Film| Spolo?nosť

“Láska, povieš – milujem ťa. Potom sa staneš
Kúskom slne?ného svetla na stene,
Teplom, ?o mizne o piatej,
Modelom nazna?eným v peknom kameni,
Myšlienkou, latinskou bazilikou,
So šibalskými bájkami odpadávajúcimi z kupoly.

Ty: si oblak, ?o nikdy nepomenujem,
Jazyk, aký sa nikdy nenau?ím, zápas,
Čo ani nezmeškám, ani celkom nezískam;
Ilúzia ?alšieho sveta nad
Sveta pod, mimo sveta v.
Škúlim, žmurkám – ale ešte stále ťa vidím, láska.“

Poetic evening
11.1. 2008 19:00 – ?ajovňa amana Alžbetina 55
poetické ?ítanie z listu o láske

Pokračujte v čítaní

ManHimself in Prague

manhimself | 15-11-2007 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Cestovanie| Česko

“A cadastral surface area of 7,951 sq m. 3,664 sq m of office space, with a Net Usable area (surface utile nette) of 6,287 sq m…?

The best that can be done is to look at their returns. One much-cited study found that average returns, net of fees, were roughly equal to that produced by the S&P 500 index between 1980 and 2001. That implies that private-equity firms do improve the businesses they own, since gross returns outperform the market. “Overall, returns have not been that special, especially if you adjust for risk,? says Martinka Lacková, director-general of the Confederation of Czech Industry, Czech’s main business lobby-group.

The calculations can be complicated by the torturous accounting used to calculate the private equity industry’s returns. A recent study suggests that the residual values of companies that remain in private-equity portfolios may have been overstated. Allowing for this cut the average net return to three percentage points below that of the S&P 500 index.

And a study by three American academics found that the results achieved by end-investors (such as pension funds and private banks) differed widely; college endowments earned returns that were 14 percentage points better than average.

Pokračujte v čítaní

Cérvia – Pinarella

spyros | 13-11-2007 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Cestovanie| Taliansko

Povaľovanie na pláži Cérvia – Pinarella v oblasti Emilia-Romagna (03.-05.08.2007)

Cérvia - Pinarella
Všetko je raz prvýkrát. Aj more.

Cérvia - Pinarella
Všetko je raz prvýkrát. Aj more. Aj pre Roba :-D.

Cérvia - Pinarella

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